Have you got a work accident claim?
Call us now to begin your claim.
Call us now to begin your claim.
Work accident claims make up the second highest number of accident claims filed in the United Kingdom each year. Work accident claims can be caused by malfunctioning equipment, by negligence, and by pure accident that no one could foresee happening.
These types of injuries can be minor, or they can be major injuries that can affect a person for the rest of their lives, and they can even be fatal. If you have had the misfortune to be involved in an on the job injury then you might be able to file work accident claims and receive compensation.
The United Kingdom has laws in place that say that any employer is legally responsible for the safety of the people they employ. These laws also govern the safety of visitors at business properties. Every employer and business owner is required to make sure that the welfare and safety of the people they employ, or the people who visit their shops, are as safe as possible.
In order to make sure that businesses meet the criteria set out they are required to hold insurance to pay for injuries someone might get on their property. The Health & Safety regulations detail specifically how each employer and business owner should maintain their property. If an employer is not following those guidelines then their workers are entitled to file a work accident claim if they are injured on the job.
Sometimes people think that they cannot file work accident claims because they think that they played some role in the accident that hurt them. Even if you were a contributing factor in what happened to you there is still a possibility that you have the legal right to file a personal injury lawsuit. Your employer may have been the instigator that caused you to injure yourself.
You should file your work accident report as soon as the incident occurs. If your employer does not handle your injuries in the manner that you feel they are supposed to you have up to three years to file a work accident claim against them. It is important for you to know that the three year time limit on filing work accident claims starts at the time that you realise your injury is associated with a work accident.
The majority of all work accidents are recognized as work related injuries at the time they occur. That is because the majority of these accidents are:
There are some accidents that are exposures to harmful agents, like asbestos, that cause injuries that people do not realise they have sometimes for many years. These are the incidents that can be reported for three years after you realise your health problems are related to work you did in the past.
The simple answer is yes, absolutely we do.
But not all solicitors are capable of handling work accident claims. You need to hire a solicitor that is experienced in filing these types of claims, and you need to hire a solicitor that has a proven record of being successful in winning these types of personal injury claims, such as ours.
When you contact us we will have a brief chat on the phone to see if your claim is (in our opinion) valid and has a reasonably good chance of success. After this we can look in detail at the evidence you have available, listen to your story, and then determine if we should proceed with your case.
You are also interviewing ourselves in a way to see if we are the right people to represent your case as you may have contacted more than one accident claims solicitor, or firm and this is fine. You should ask us about our background in work accident cases. You should look at how we treat you, and see if you feel comfortable with us. You should feel confident in the way our solicitor talks with you, and you should feel like we have your best interest at heart. If for any reason you do not feel as though we are the right solicitors for you then you should look for another solicitor to handle your claim straight away.
Work accident claims can be difficult and they can take a long time to resolve. You want to hire an accident claims solicitor that you are comfortable working with. You also want a solicitor that has done this type of work in the past and knows all of the laws and legal ramifications they are facing.
Make that us and get in touch below.